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Tact RCS 2.2 XP AAA Room Correction Pre-amp Black

Price:  $4,000.00
Original Price: $6,860.00
Days/Views:  5716 / 3552 (Posted 2009-08-06)
Condition: 10/10 New
Seller:  SoundLogic   (Contact Seller)
(Other Seller Items For Sale)
Feedback:  unrated

I have a black RCS 2.2XP AAA for sale. This was purchased by me a few years ago from Tact direct and I took it out of the box, put it on my shelf...AND NEVER USED IT!!!! I have had some family tragedies, and a crappy work schedule and between the above, and only having a MAC laptop, I never used it. I know, you don't need the laptop with the XP...I just never got around to using the damn thing! I even bought a Maui Mods Power supply from a guy on Audiogon...and it still sits in the box that I got from him...un-opened. My loss is your gain. I need to sell to fund other projects. Email for pics: It is boxed and ready to go. Check my feedback on Audiogon: soundlogic New price is:$6860.00 plus shipping I will take $4000.00 shipped/insured/paypal'd in CONUS for the 2.2XP The power supply is extra. Tim

Payment and Shipping
Pay By: Personal Check after it clears, Paypal, Money Order/Certified Check, COD Certified Check
Ship Weight: 38 lbs.
Ships From: So. Ca., United States
Ships To: WorldWide
Shippers/Payer: FedEx / Paid by: Seller
Shipping Notes: (none)

More Seller Info
Seller:  SoundLogic   (Contact Seller)
(Other Seller Items For Sale)
Membership:  Audiophile
Asylum Feedback:  unrated
AudigoN Feedback: SoundLogic
eBay Feedback: earcandy4tim
Location:  N. Idaho, United States
Registered on:  2004-01-25
Posts:  1

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