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JBL 2441 Driver (Need Diaphragms)

Price:  $300.00
Days/Views:  5140 / 1179 (Posted 2011-02-17)
Condition: 8/10 Very Good
Seller:   (Contact Seller)
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Feedback:  unrated

I have for sale a pair of JBL 2441 drivers that need new diaphragms. I also have a pair of JBL 2440 16ohm diaphragms - that one may be able to use with these - I will include those for additional $175. So, $475 for the set. One of the 2440 diaphrams is NIB - the other also looks new - but may have been used. The drivers were purchased from a movie theater in Maine, USA. No throat cracks - very good paint overall. The diaphragms were purchased locally from studio that went out of business. The seller claimed both diaphrams were new - but only one of them looks new to me. For the sake of convenience - I will sell both things (drivers and diaphragms) together for $400 (i.e. $75 discount) for local sale. So not only will you save on shipping - you will save an additional $75 on top of that (---as you can tell - I hate packing and shipping).

I will consider traders for: 1) Marchand Crossovers 2) Hi-power budget 2-channel amplfiers (Rotel, Adcom, Emotiva,etc). 3) Hi-power Class D-amplifier 4) Vintage 6922 tubes. 5) Some kind of DIY speaker kit that has not been asssembled 6) Some kind of amplfier kit that has not been assembled 7) or let me know what you have.

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Payment and Shipping
Pay By: Personal Check after it clears, Paypal, Money Order/Certified Check
Ship Weight: 55 lbs.
Ships From: United States
Ships To: USA Only
Shippers/Payer: (none specified) / Paid by: Buyer
Shipping Notes: (none)

More Seller Info
Seller:   (Contact Seller)
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Membership:  Audiophile
Asylum Feedback:  unrated
Location:  United States
Registered on:  2008-05-23
Posts:  7

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