These are DIY - all the way. Cabinets are really quite attractive although they are definitely not perfect. The wood does not fit perfectly in parts and they were never finished. They can be made to look much nicer if that's your thing - definitely not within my skill set! The drivers are in pretty much perfect shape (other than dust...). Because of the DIY nature they are rated a 6. What they are is fairly self-explanatory - true full range Fostex in a domestically acceptable format. I've always been a fan of Lowthers and the like and always wanted a pair of Fostex speakers. Came across these a while back and they were a fun experiment - there really is nothing like a crossover-less speaker. I have a pair of modded Audax PR-120's for the top end if you care to tinker (for 125 for the pair...). Also have a single M&K 8 inch subwoofer for one option. Heck, you want an 18 I have that as well... These are for local pickup in Hamilton Heights (Manhattan 10031) only. Trades for tubes, amps and analog gear always considered. Local sale so cash only otherwise. Copy of the plans below: