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Sansui Z-9000 Flagship Receiver

Price:  $165.00
Days/Views:  4853 / 5299 (Posted 2011-12-08)
Condition: 9/10 Excellent/Like New
Seller:   (Contact Seller)
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Feedback:  1.0/5.0

This was Sansui's Finest Receiver in the late 80's. 250 watts per channel peak power with unique Liquid Cooling. Truly in the Monster Receiver category at 35 lbs and utilizing fully discrete outputs. Had an original list price of nearly $1000.00. This unit is near Mint and sports soft touch controls, timer, reverb, fm/am, clock, computerized. With equalizer. Tuning uses digital memory. Pre Amp and Power Amp can be used separately. Figure 40 lbs. for shipping. This receiver operates in "sliding Class A mode" at lower power and sounds quite good compared to many receivers on the market. The phono stage is also exceptional and nearly compares to a tube based phono stage I use that cost $2000. FYI

Payment and Shipping
Pay By: Personal Check after it clears, Money Order/Certified Check
Ship Weight: 35 lbs.
Ships From: United States
Ships To: USA Only
Shippers/Payer: (none specified) / Paid by: Buyer
Shipping Notes: (none)

More Seller Info
Seller:   (Contact Seller)
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Membership:  Audiophile
Asylum Feedback:  1.0/5.0
Location:  United States
Registered on:  2005-07-09
Posts:  0

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