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SOLD - $ 700.00

High Fidelity MC-0.5 4 units

Price:  $700.00
Original Price: $1,000.00
Days/Views:  2295 / 859 (Posted 2018-12-05)
Condition: 8/10 Very Good
Seller:  ozzyboy   (Contact Seller)
(Other Seller Items For Sale)
Feedback:  5.0/5.0

I am selling 4 units of the MC-.05's. Sorry, But I won't break the set. The Photo shows 5 units. Update: There are now only a total of 12 available out of the original 20. No carrying case. Please add $15 for shipping in the Continental USA only.

From The High Fidelity Website The MC-0.5

One of Stereotimes' most wanted components of 2015, the MC-0.5 is a unique magnetic conduction device. Covered under the connecter is a series of patented products. This unique device simply plugs into the wall to apply magnetic conduction to incoming electricity. The MC-0.5, once plugged into an extra outlet, delivers a dramatically cleaner, clearer music signal with better dynamics, realism and musicality. It is both more detailed as well as more relaxed-sounding at the same time.

Although moderately priced in comparison to some power conditioning products, the MC-0.5 will offer an improvement to all audio systems. It also works with conventional power conditioners to restore extra realism, speed and clarity. Although meant for reference audio systems this device can be used on literally anything including televisions and home theater systems. Just find an extra outlet to plug the MC-0.5 in and enjoy improved picture clarity and music resolution.

Recently reviewed by Norm Luttbeg for stereotimes: "Once again HFC has another quite worthy product. Again the gain is more open, cleaner, more dynamic, and real sounding music. The sound stage just becomes quite well defined. And the bass has great definition." - Norm Luttbeg

Listeners report night time sonics in the middle of the day, earning the MC-0.5 the nick name "Black Night".

Payment and Shipping
Pay By: Paypal
Ship Weight: 10 lbs.
Ships From: 48179 (S Rockwood, MI)
Ships To: USA Only
Shippers/Payer: Postal / Paid by: Buyer
Shipping Notes: Flat $15

More Seller Info
Seller:  ozzyboy   (Contact Seller)
(Other Seller Items For Sale)
Membership:  Audiophile
Asylum Feedback:  5.0/5.0
AudigoN Feedback: ozzy
Location:  United States
Registered on:  2002-04-04
Posts:  334

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