The Unico Primo is a hybrid integrated stereo amplifier capable of delivering not less than 85W RMS continuous on a 8ohm load. As usual for Unison Research amplifiers, the declared power is actually lower in order to keep our promises in every condition. With real musical signals running through this amplifier, the maximum power will be even higher.
Even though this is the entry level in the Unico line, it possesses many of the outstanding sonic qualities of our more ambitious amplifier models. Since this is a hybrid design that mates a powerful amplifier with an ECC83 triode (12AX7), you get the best of both worlds with the Unico Primo: an amplifier that is powerful enough to drive most loudspeakers, and a sound quality that is usually associated with the finest valve designs.Excellent condition.
has optional phono board installed (MM/MC selectable via internal jumpers.
No remote. Remote is available from Unison Research dealers for $200 but I didn't feel the need for it since it only controls the volume.