I am the original owner of this Mr Liang integrated amp. The tube cage, tubes, manual and circuit diagram are included with the original packaging.Regarding to the sound, I think this LS-845-3 is the best 845 integrate amp available on the market for under $8000. It uses 300B tubes for the driver and 845 tubes for power output. The two most brilliant and classic tubes are combined perfectly for maximum performance! In addition to ZERO negative feedback technology, specially designed and hand wound transformer is another plus to guarantee the SET tube sound at highest level. Two lighted meters are set in front for bias adjustment with adjusting knobs which is a convenient and reliable way for maintaining the 845 tubes. One of the 2 lights on one of the bias meters is out. If I did not mention it, you would probably not have noticed. Uses 2 x 300B, 2 x 845 as output and 2 x 6SJ7 tubes. I MODIFIED and UPGRADED the amp with paper-in-oil capacitors. I also replaced the 6J4P tubes with superior 6SJ7 tubes. This required a resistor chance to 1.5k ohm resistors from 390 ohm resistors. FEATURES: ~ 20W Pure Class A magic SET 300B-845 integrated amp
~ Easy bias adjustment
~ Stainless and aluminum chassis
~ Reliable amp and built like a tank
~ Two RCA inputs
~ Dimension: 21" x 12" x 11.5" height Amp is over 80 lbs. Shipping weight will be over 95 lbs. Mr Liang is the actual designer of the amplifier. I believe that the amp is still in production and is sold under the Audio Renaissance and Shuguang names. The current price is $1800 excluding upgrades. The top plate of the amp has a few tiny nicks where the tube cage meets the plate. The amp was received this way when new. They are too small to see in a picture. Also, the large transformers make a very slight mechanical hum which does not transfer to the music. The music has a quiet background. The mechanical transformer noise is inherent in the amp's design. Even though I have the original packaging which is bullet proof, I prefer not to deal with shipping due to the extreme weight of the amp. I will meet the buyer up to 100 miles from Greenville, SC. If the buyer prefers to handle the shipping arrangements, that will be fine. This is the best made amp I have ever experienced. The holographic sound-stage is enormous and its musical rendition will amaze.