Next, choose a category for your Ad and fill in the blanks.
Next find your Ad and click on the Availability link. Select Canceled from the pulldown menu.
Next find your Ad and click on the Edit link.
If you don't see only an Availibility link next to the item, click on the link and Select For Sale and press Update Availibility. You will then see an Edit link to Edit your Ad.
If there is no Edit link, then the Ad must have expired or previously been Canceled. Click on the Availability link. Select For Sale from the pulldown menu. You should now have an Edit link.
Next, you'll be able to add up to 6 images. Just click on the Browse button and navaigate on your computer to your images and pick the ones to attach to the ad.
Click on the My Ads ilink in the menu above.
Next find your Ad and click on the Availability link. Select Canceled from the pulldown menu. Then click on Post An Ad and select the right category.
Next find your Ad and click on the Availability link. Select Sold from the pulldown menu and Enter a Price for Sale Price.
However, if you made an extremely low offer, some sellers may not take you seriously and may not respond.
Do your homework. Check the seller's Feedback. How long has the seller been an Inmate of the Asylum. You should beware of newly registered Inmates and those without any feedback. If the price is too low, beware.
Ask the seller for a phone number and talk to them on the phone. Deal with local sellers whenever possible.
When in doubt, please refer to our How To Avoid Scams Page.
You will have no protection whatsoever under those circumstances. Unless you know the seller personally, we advise against sending any seller a wire transfer.
Always insist on using either a credit card or Paypal if at all possible.
By using Paypal, you will have buyer protection if you select the Goods option. Never use the 'Gift' option. 'Gifts' are exempt from Paypal fees, but are also exempt from their buyer protection.
When in doubt, please refer to our How To Avoid Scams Page.
Do your homework. Check Feedback. Use Paypal or a credit card for purchases.
If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.
That doesn't mean that the Asylum won't try to intercede if something goes wrong. But the reality is that we have limited resources and very little clout. We can ban sellers from future use of the Trader, or perhaps Email PayPal on your behalf. However, we have zero means to help get you your money back if you sent a wire transfer or accepted a bogus money order.
Please include all the relevant information including any links to specific Ads in question.
Don't be surpised if we send you a link to this FAQ. Please read it first.